Dr. Sherri J. Tenpenny is an osteopathic medical doctor, board certified in three medical specialties. Widely regarded the most knowledgeable and outspoken physician on the adverse impact vaccines can have on health, Dr. Tenpenny has been a guest on hundreds of radio and national television programs
She has lectured at Cleveland State University and Case Western Reserve Medical School, and has been a speaker at conventions, both nationally and internationally, as a recognized expert on a wide range topics within the field of Integrative Medicine including breast health, breast thermography, women’s hormones, medical uses of iodine and the adverse effects vaccines have on health.
- What motivates vaccine sales?
- Does incentives to doctors create a problem?
- How do we know babies are suffering with vaccine related symptoms
- Can vaccines change your DNA?
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What advice would you give a C.N.A. who works at a small town nursinghome, which does not keep the sanitizer and soap dispensors filled, in view of the recent virus pandemic, when a person cant even find those kind of various cleansors in any store?
(I appreciated you being on T.C.T. recently) My wife and I don’t immunize any of our 6 children-including one born 12.24.19.
ph 641.257.9630
Cuales son los argumentos bioquímicos i o inmunológicos que nos permitirían sustentar que las vacunas alteran de manera brutal la respuesta inmunológica frente al ataque de. Un virus y otro agresor a parte de otras complicaciones y enfermedades que sabemos que lo hacen
I am planning on going to Israel in a year or so and do not want to get a vaccine. However I am 71 fairly good health, vegan 95%. Will I be required to get the covid vaccine as I really want to go to Israel as I am a Messianic Jew and it is a dream of mine. Any advice please. Thank you and God bless you.
I have not had any vaccines since I was 12 and got sick with my flu shot my parents made me do it as my dad was in the air force. so sick I was not able to go to my aunt’s wedding. I lived in Texas and had to stay home as my parents went to my aunt’s wedding in california and I was home alone sick as a dog from flu shot. no more for me ever. I pray I will be able to travel to Israel without getting the vaccines covid or any other. Please let me know my options. thanks you. God bless.